Turmeric and Honey: The Most Powerful Antibiotic That Even Doctors Can't Explain

While traditional antibiotics are widely used, natural remedies such as honey and turmeric are very beneficial and improve health in many ways.

Honey fights infection effectively without causing resistant bacteria, unlike traditional antibiotics.

A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases found that honey destroyed all bacteria and pathogens it was tested on. 

The combination of these two ingredients is the most powerful antibiotic we can use.

It is also known as golden honey and has been used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years.

Its use has recently increased dramatically in Western medicine and nutrition.

Here's how to prepare it:

Turmeric infused honey

* Ingredients:

°1 teaspoon ground turmeric (therapeutic grade)
°raw honey cup
°2 drops lemon essential oil (optional)


Mix the ingredients, stir well and cover. Store the mixture at room temperature and stir before each use.

To fight the flu or a common cold, take half a teaspoon of the mixture several times a day.